Verification Methodology

The objective of the Technical Secretariat is to “collect, analyze and prepare the necessary information for the public pronouncements of the notables”, who must pronounce on “the progress made in the implementation of all the agreements”.

The specific objectives of the Technical Secretariat are:

  • “Check” and verify “the status and progress of implementation” (Final Agreement, numeral 6.3, pp.210).
  • “To identify delays and deficiencies” (Final Agreement, numeral 6.3, pp.210)
  • Identify “points of controversy” that represent a difficulty for the implementation of the agreements and proposed solutions for them (Final Agreement, numeral 6.3, pp.210)
  • “Provide opportunities for continuous improvement” (Final Agreement, numeral 6.3, pp.210).

To achieve this, the Technical Secretariat defined a verification methodology based on three dimensions of analysis to evaluate each of the issues and sub-issues identified in the Final Agreement:

  • Compliance, answers the question was the action carried out or not?
  • Time, evaluates whether the implementation was carried out at the time established in the Final Agreement or within the prudent and timely period to avoid obstacles in the implementation of other subtopics.
  • Correspondence, which is understood as the relationship of concordance between what is established in the Final Agreement and the implementation.

The Technical Secretariat shall receive “the technical support of the Kroc Institute” (A.F.6.3.2), this being the main source of information to advance the verification of the implementation of the Final Agreement. Likewise, the Technical Secretariat will rely on the information provided by the International Accompaniment Component, the representatives of the National Government, representatives of the Revolutionary Alternative Force of the Common (FARC) Party and social and field organizations.